Jeremy Snyder (elder Nominee 2024)
My story:
I’m a native of Fort Worth and have lived here most of my life. By day I’m a licensed mechanical engineer and principal at a local consulting engineering firm working in commercial construction. I am blessed to have met my wife, Kaci, in my senior year of high school, and we’ve been married since 2009. We have two young kids, Isaac and Ruth, who both attend Southwest Christian School where Kaci works. With the little free time we have, I enjoy running and endurance sports. If you give me the chance, I would love to convince you that you’re a runner too.
My story with God:
Most of my childhood I was not active in a church but was aware of God and what Jesus had done at the cross. I briefly was active with a church in middle school and participated in a youth group but became disconnected late in middle school. My girlfriend in high school (Kaci) asked me to start going to church with her, and I connected with a few people within the church. During this time, I started to see the full picture of our faithful and redemptive God, and how He loves us. After one retreat, I called one of the pastors to meet up with me as I was ready to take the Christian life seriously. We prayed together that night, and that was my Holy Spirt moment when Jesus truly entered my life and the sanctification started. Since then, God has been “ruining” my life, and I’ve learned to never make plans as what God has planned is better. I became involved in our first church because someone asked if I would participate in an outreach activity, which led me to know Christ. Because of my own experience, I’m very passionate about outreach and how it can help bring people to God, through the people being served and the people serving. Early in my faith walk, reading about Jesus’s love of the poor led me to want to serve those in need, which began with making sack lunches and handing them out to those in need. It evolved into serving alongside ministries such as Salvation Army, and then into international missions. Kaci and I spent one year in the mission field in Mexico starting a community center with Christian Relief Fund, and we continue to support the center and the barrio it serves. I’ve continued to serve in short term mission trips as often as I can around the world with Engineering Ministries International. God’s Kingdom is moving here and around the world, and I want to be part of it. I love that the Gospel is cross-cultural, and experiencing God’s love in different cultures helps to show how big the God we serve is.
What drew me to TCBC:
After leaving the first church we were a part of and spending the next few years committed to a small group, I did not see the reason to join another church. We had a great spiritual community we were part of and were growing in our faith. However, when Kaci became pregnant with our first child, God put two things on my heart. One was that our children really need to be brought up within a faith community, one that I did not experience in my youth. The other was moving past expectations of the global church. One of my best friends is James Covey, who is a missionary in Spain the church supports, and he suggested TCBC. The community we found at TCBC was an answer to prayers and continues to be a blessing to me and my family. There are many things about the church to love, but the kindness and honesty of the people at TCBC is encouraging to my daily life.
My hope for TCBC is:
My hope for any person is that they come to know Jesus and experience God at a personal level. God is sovereign, and as noted before, His Kingdom is moving. Whether we choose to participate or not won’t stop what He’s doing in this world. I hope that everyone at TCBC wraps their lives and identities in being a child of God and an image bearer, and that they have a place in moving his Kingdom forward.
I’m a native of Fort Worth and have lived here most of my life. By day I’m a licensed mechanical engineer and principal at a local consulting engineering firm working in commercial construction. I am blessed to have met my wife, Kaci, in my senior year of high school, and we’ve been married since 2009. We have two young kids, Isaac and Ruth, who both attend Southwest Christian School where Kaci works. With the little free time we have, I enjoy running and endurance sports. If you give me the chance, I would love to convince you that you’re a runner too.
My story with God:
Most of my childhood I was not active in a church but was aware of God and what Jesus had done at the cross. I briefly was active with a church in middle school and participated in a youth group but became disconnected late in middle school. My girlfriend in high school (Kaci) asked me to start going to church with her, and I connected with a few people within the church. During this time, I started to see the full picture of our faithful and redemptive God, and how He loves us. After one retreat, I called one of the pastors to meet up with me as I was ready to take the Christian life seriously. We prayed together that night, and that was my Holy Spirt moment when Jesus truly entered my life and the sanctification started. Since then, God has been “ruining” my life, and I’ve learned to never make plans as what God has planned is better. I became involved in our first church because someone asked if I would participate in an outreach activity, which led me to know Christ. Because of my own experience, I’m very passionate about outreach and how it can help bring people to God, through the people being served and the people serving. Early in my faith walk, reading about Jesus’s love of the poor led me to want to serve those in need, which began with making sack lunches and handing them out to those in need. It evolved into serving alongside ministries such as Salvation Army, and then into international missions. Kaci and I spent one year in the mission field in Mexico starting a community center with Christian Relief Fund, and we continue to support the center and the barrio it serves. I’ve continued to serve in short term mission trips as often as I can around the world with Engineering Ministries International. God’s Kingdom is moving here and around the world, and I want to be part of it. I love that the Gospel is cross-cultural, and experiencing God’s love in different cultures helps to show how big the God we serve is.
What drew me to TCBC:
After leaving the first church we were a part of and spending the next few years committed to a small group, I did not see the reason to join another church. We had a great spiritual community we were part of and were growing in our faith. However, when Kaci became pregnant with our first child, God put two things on my heart. One was that our children really need to be brought up within a faith community, one that I did not experience in my youth. The other was moving past expectations of the global church. One of my best friends is James Covey, who is a missionary in Spain the church supports, and he suggested TCBC. The community we found at TCBC was an answer to prayers and continues to be a blessing to me and my family. There are many things about the church to love, but the kindness and honesty of the people at TCBC is encouraging to my daily life.
My hope for TCBC is:
My hope for any person is that they come to know Jesus and experience God at a personal level. God is sovereign, and as noted before, His Kingdom is moving. Whether we choose to participate or not won’t stop what He’s doing in this world. I hope that everyone at TCBC wraps their lives and identities in being a child of God and an image bearer, and that they have a place in moving his Kingdom forward.

Jeff Bryan
My story:
I grew up in Western Oklahoma and went to the University of Oklahoma, graduating
with a degree in Physical Therapy. I moved to Fort Worth, Texas, in the early summer of 1997 after graduating and began my career. Not long after, Amy and I met and began dating. We married in the spring of 2000. Fast forward 22 years, and Amy and I now have three wonderful children: Reese, age19 and a Sophomore at the University of Tulsa studying Exercise Science and Pre-Med, Malley, age 16 and a Junior at Covenant Classical School, and Hayes, age 13 and an 8th grader at CCS as well. I currently work as a home health physical therapist. Amy currently works as an office manager at Restoration Counseling in Fort Worth.
My story with God:
I grew up in a Christian home in the small town of Weatherford, OK. I have been in a
church for as long as I can remember, but did not fully understand the idea of a “relationship” with the Father until I was older. I gave my life to Christ in Vacation Bible School around the 3rd grade, and grew up in the church through elementary, middle school, and high school, active in all programs and mission trips. Unfortunately, like many, when I experienced the freedoms college had to offer, my walk with God and relationship with him suffered. I became active in a fraternity and spent the first 3 years of college walking away from God. Fortunately, God placed key individuals in my life that helped me rediscover the joy and peace in God that had been missing for several years. During this time of growth and maturity, I began to understand the power of grace and restoration that only God through Jesus Christ brings. It was at that time that I went on an international mission trip, which opened my eyes to what God is doing around the world, not just in my life and my small area of influence. Through God’s will, I was able to share the Gospel in Turkey, Hungary, Slovakia, Belgium, and Switzerland. International missions remains very close to my heart to this day, even though now my role has been more of a provider for those who get to go in my place.
What drew meto TCBC:
Shortly after our first son, Reese, was born, Amy and I were living in Fort Worth but
going to church in Irving. We quickly realized that we needed to be part of a community in Fort Worth that we could invest in and that our children could grow up in. We began our church hunt at Christ Chapel Church in Fort Worth. On the first Sunday we were there, Christ Chapel announced that they were going to be planting a new church in our neighborhood. Amy and I both felt that this was God’s perfect timing for us, to be part of a new church that could grow as we grew. So from that Sunday, Amy and I became part of the church planting group that would begin meeting at the Gladney Center, under the new name of Trinity Chapel Bible Church. Amy and I fell in love with the new church, the pastor and staff, and the new families that made up the new church. Amy and I became active with the leadership, and in 2007, I was asked to join the Elder/Shepherding Team. Together with the three other men on the Shepherding Team, we had the honor of writing and approving TCBC’s constitution, and presenting it to the church body for ratification, officially making TCBC an independent church. Through the next 6 years as a member of the Shepherding Team, I watched God do great things in our church and body. I learned much about myself and my own strengths and weakness as God shaped us, sometimes rather painfully through mistakes and heartaches, into a body of believers that has always striven to be open and honest about our brokenness, and need of a savior. In the last 4 years, I have seen God work through this current staff and Shepherding Team and continue to grow this church into a mature church that soundly preaches the Word, with love, grace, and humility of heart. This is why Amy and I have remained all these years, and this is why I look forward to possibly serving this church body once again, God willing.
My hope for TCBC is:
As I mentioned before, I love that this body of believers is willing to meet others where
they are in their lives. I love that this body recognizes that we are all broken and in need of a savior, and it is by the grace of God alone through His Son Jesus Christ that we are saved. It is my prayer and hope for this body, that this church will remain focused on this, and that the greater community of Fort Worth can be blessed by the light of Christ shining through us. I pray for deepening of faith and knowledge in Christ through God’s word, and deepening of each believer’s relationship with God the Father, who created us in His image. It is my prayer that each individual that walks through the doors of TCBC will experience God’s love for all of us, despite our faults and brokenness, and will begin the journey that leads them back into the arms of God.
I grew up in Western Oklahoma and went to the University of Oklahoma, graduating
with a degree in Physical Therapy. I moved to Fort Worth, Texas, in the early summer of 1997 after graduating and began my career. Not long after, Amy and I met and began dating. We married in the spring of 2000. Fast forward 22 years, and Amy and I now have three wonderful children: Reese, age19 and a Sophomore at the University of Tulsa studying Exercise Science and Pre-Med, Malley, age 16 and a Junior at Covenant Classical School, and Hayes, age 13 and an 8th grader at CCS as well. I currently work as a home health physical therapist. Amy currently works as an office manager at Restoration Counseling in Fort Worth.
My story with God:
I grew up in a Christian home in the small town of Weatherford, OK. I have been in a
church for as long as I can remember, but did not fully understand the idea of a “relationship” with the Father until I was older. I gave my life to Christ in Vacation Bible School around the 3rd grade, and grew up in the church through elementary, middle school, and high school, active in all programs and mission trips. Unfortunately, like many, when I experienced the freedoms college had to offer, my walk with God and relationship with him suffered. I became active in a fraternity and spent the first 3 years of college walking away from God. Fortunately, God placed key individuals in my life that helped me rediscover the joy and peace in God that had been missing for several years. During this time of growth and maturity, I began to understand the power of grace and restoration that only God through Jesus Christ brings. It was at that time that I went on an international mission trip, which opened my eyes to what God is doing around the world, not just in my life and my small area of influence. Through God’s will, I was able to share the Gospel in Turkey, Hungary, Slovakia, Belgium, and Switzerland. International missions remains very close to my heart to this day, even though now my role has been more of a provider for those who get to go in my place.
What drew meto TCBC:
Shortly after our first son, Reese, was born, Amy and I were living in Fort Worth but
going to church in Irving. We quickly realized that we needed to be part of a community in Fort Worth that we could invest in and that our children could grow up in. We began our church hunt at Christ Chapel Church in Fort Worth. On the first Sunday we were there, Christ Chapel announced that they were going to be planting a new church in our neighborhood. Amy and I both felt that this was God’s perfect timing for us, to be part of a new church that could grow as we grew. So from that Sunday, Amy and I became part of the church planting group that would begin meeting at the Gladney Center, under the new name of Trinity Chapel Bible Church. Amy and I fell in love with the new church, the pastor and staff, and the new families that made up the new church. Amy and I became active with the leadership, and in 2007, I was asked to join the Elder/Shepherding Team. Together with the three other men on the Shepherding Team, we had the honor of writing and approving TCBC’s constitution, and presenting it to the church body for ratification, officially making TCBC an independent church. Through the next 6 years as a member of the Shepherding Team, I watched God do great things in our church and body. I learned much about myself and my own strengths and weakness as God shaped us, sometimes rather painfully through mistakes and heartaches, into a body of believers that has always striven to be open and honest about our brokenness, and need of a savior. In the last 4 years, I have seen God work through this current staff and Shepherding Team and continue to grow this church into a mature church that soundly preaches the Word, with love, grace, and humility of heart. This is why Amy and I have remained all these years, and this is why I look forward to possibly serving this church body once again, God willing.
My hope for TCBC is:
As I mentioned before, I love that this body of believers is willing to meet others where
they are in their lives. I love that this body recognizes that we are all broken and in need of a savior, and it is by the grace of God alone through His Son Jesus Christ that we are saved. It is my prayer and hope for this body, that this church will remain focused on this, and that the greater community of Fort Worth can be blessed by the light of Christ shining through us. I pray for deepening of faith and knowledge in Christ through God’s word, and deepening of each believer’s relationship with God the Father, who created us in His image. It is my prayer that each individual that walks through the doors of TCBC will experience God’s love for all of us, despite our faults and brokenness, and will begin the journey that leads them back into the arms of God.

Chris Harder
My story:
Born in California, grew up mostly in New Mexico and Missouri. After high school, I attended college in Indiana. My parents moved to Denton Texas while I was in college. I worked for the local water utility during the summers of my college years. After college, I worked in Kerrville, Texas for five years before moving to Fort Worth in 1999. I have been employed by the City of Fort Worth water utility for almost 23 years now. Christina and I met in 2002 and have been married since 2004. Christina works for Azle ISD teaching physical education. We have three children – Melanie (16), Rachel (13) and Benjamin (12). Christina and I both grew up loving sports and the outdoors. However, as I get older, I am transitioning to being content with watching sports, instead of actually playing sports.
My story with God:
I have wonderful Christian parents who raised me and my three siblings in the Church. I was saved when I was seven years old, being aware of my own sinfulness and God’s requirement that my sins be covered through the blood of Jesus. I was also motivated by a strong desire to spend eternity in heaven. Through junior high, high school, and college, I felt the Lord’s presence in my life and recognized his mercy and grace, though my attitudes, actions, and treatment of others frequently didn’t honor or glorify my Savior. As I have grown older, I have come to realize that the time and resources God gives us in our life is precious. Though I struggle with sin on a daily basis, I want to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading, being ready to serve as my Savior sees fit.
What drew me to TCBC:
Christina and I came from different churches and different denominations. After we were married, we decided we needed to find a church that we were both committed to, involved in, and excited to attend. I’ll admit this was one of the early challenges in our marriage – neither of us wanted to feel like we were “sacrificing” in the selection of a church. Our prayers were answered in Trinity Chapel. We started attending regularly in the fall of 2004 and became ministry partners in 2007. Besides the biblical teaching and focus on corporate worship, we appreciate the children’s programs, men’s and women’s ministries and community groups. Most of all, we have grown to love the people, who we consider to be our extended family.
My hope for TCBC is:
My hope for TCBC is that as a body we continue to grow in our love and knowledge of our Lord that is demonstrated by our desire to share the gospel, to love, help and encourage each other and those outside of the church, and to teach and stand for truth as revealed in God’s word.
Born in California, grew up mostly in New Mexico and Missouri. After high school, I attended college in Indiana. My parents moved to Denton Texas while I was in college. I worked for the local water utility during the summers of my college years. After college, I worked in Kerrville, Texas for five years before moving to Fort Worth in 1999. I have been employed by the City of Fort Worth water utility for almost 23 years now. Christina and I met in 2002 and have been married since 2004. Christina works for Azle ISD teaching physical education. We have three children – Melanie (16), Rachel (13) and Benjamin (12). Christina and I both grew up loving sports and the outdoors. However, as I get older, I am transitioning to being content with watching sports, instead of actually playing sports.
My story with God:
I have wonderful Christian parents who raised me and my three siblings in the Church. I was saved when I was seven years old, being aware of my own sinfulness and God’s requirement that my sins be covered through the blood of Jesus. I was also motivated by a strong desire to spend eternity in heaven. Through junior high, high school, and college, I felt the Lord’s presence in my life and recognized his mercy and grace, though my attitudes, actions, and treatment of others frequently didn’t honor or glorify my Savior. As I have grown older, I have come to realize that the time and resources God gives us in our life is precious. Though I struggle with sin on a daily basis, I want to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading, being ready to serve as my Savior sees fit.
What drew me to TCBC:
Christina and I came from different churches and different denominations. After we were married, we decided we needed to find a church that we were both committed to, involved in, and excited to attend. I’ll admit this was one of the early challenges in our marriage – neither of us wanted to feel like we were “sacrificing” in the selection of a church. Our prayers were answered in Trinity Chapel. We started attending regularly in the fall of 2004 and became ministry partners in 2007. Besides the biblical teaching and focus on corporate worship, we appreciate the children’s programs, men’s and women’s ministries and community groups. Most of all, we have grown to love the people, who we consider to be our extended family.
My hope for TCBC is:
My hope for TCBC is that as a body we continue to grow in our love and knowledge of our Lord that is demonstrated by our desire to share the gospel, to love, help and encourage each other and those outside of the church, and to teach and stand for truth as revealed in God’s word.

Mike Solari
My story:
I spent most of my youth in Kansas City where my wife Catherine and I both attended Kansas City Christian School. We began dating in our senior year of High School. Having a passion for airplanes I received a degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology where Catherine also studied and received a degree in Architectural Engineering. Shortly after college we married and moved to Fort Worth brought here by my job at Lockheed Martin where I've worked in the Skunk Works for over 12 years. We've since had two children, Josephine and Jedidiah, with a third on the way.
My story with God:
I was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ at a young age. My mom worked hard to make sure me and my older sisters knew scripture. I struggled in my Middle and High School years straying from God. Thanks to intervention by my parents and the Holy Spirit my heart was recaptured by the Lord in my Junior year of High School. Living in a Christian men's home throughout college gave me extraordinary mentors and friends where my faith deepened. College is also where I discovered a love of teaching as I lead my first Bible studies. In my walk with Christ I have experienced his extraordinary grace, love, and faithfulness. Looking back it is so encouraging to see how he has guided my steps. My need for Jesus is more clear every day and his forgiveness despite my shortcomings is ever more amazing.
What drew me to TCBC:
TCBC was the first church we visited after moving to the near by apartments in 2011. We were brand new to Fort Worth at the time. After looking around for a few months we were drawn here by the depth of the teachers and leaders in the body. The founding lead pastor was on sabbatical that summer and the Elders and others in the body were rotating preaching responsibility during that time. We were so impressed by the depth of so many in a relatively small group of believers. Our affection for this body truly blossomed through a young families Sunday school class we attended during those years. I so cherish our focus on scripture, the strong bonds of love in the body, and the relationships we have developed through the years.
My hope for TCBC:
I spent most of my youth in Kansas City where my wife Catherine and I both attended Kansas City Christian School. We began dating in our senior year of High School. Having a passion for airplanes I received a degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology where Catherine also studied and received a degree in Architectural Engineering. Shortly after college we married and moved to Fort Worth brought here by my job at Lockheed Martin where I've worked in the Skunk Works for over 12 years. We've since had two children, Josephine and Jedidiah, with a third on the way.
My story with God:
I was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ at a young age. My mom worked hard to make sure me and my older sisters knew scripture. I struggled in my Middle and High School years straying from God. Thanks to intervention by my parents and the Holy Spirit my heart was recaptured by the Lord in my Junior year of High School. Living in a Christian men's home throughout college gave me extraordinary mentors and friends where my faith deepened. College is also where I discovered a love of teaching as I lead my first Bible studies. In my walk with Christ I have experienced his extraordinary grace, love, and faithfulness. Looking back it is so encouraging to see how he has guided my steps. My need for Jesus is more clear every day and his forgiveness despite my shortcomings is ever more amazing.
What drew me to TCBC:
TCBC was the first church we visited after moving to the near by apartments in 2011. We were brand new to Fort Worth at the time. After looking around for a few months we were drawn here by the depth of the teachers and leaders in the body. The founding lead pastor was on sabbatical that summer and the Elders and others in the body were rotating preaching responsibility during that time. We were so impressed by the depth of so many in a relatively small group of believers. Our affection for this body truly blossomed through a young families Sunday school class we attended during those years. I so cherish our focus on scripture, the strong bonds of love in the body, and the relationships we have developed through the years.
My hope for TCBC:
My hope for TCBC is that we would be known by our love both within our body and for the community around us. Following Jesus today is more counter cultural than ever and we're called to the timeless truths found in scripture. My prayer for our body is that we hold fast to those truths while being full of the same love that God showed to us.